The Wayback Machine -


final year project

    protocol design



hardware projects


In the project i am trying to optimise the bytecodes independant of the architeture with a plethora of peephole techniques and some standard optimisations after converting the bytecode to suitable intermediate form. Moreover i am also looking in to having some framework based on the classfile format for machine dependant optimisation. Something on lines of reconfigurable code. The various papers i studied dealt with the structure of JVM, class file format, the formalization of JVM and a huge bundle of exciting optimisation ideas. [missionjvm page]

micropayment protocol design
Carried  in CS department of Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research, TIFR, one of premier research organizations in India, under Prof. Leena Chandran - Wadia, on design of micropayment protocol for kiosk based consumer points and various related security issues. [micropayment page] [presentation]


  • Optimization Techniques: This senior level paper focuses on various optimization techniques which are seem promising in optimizing the java byte code.
  • A survey of Virtual Machines: This senior level paper does a survey of the VM technologies available since 1970's. It particularly landmarks the significance of java virtual machine and its peculiarities.
  • Internet Protocol Security: This junior level paper describes the IPSEC in detail. It was selected as one of the 10 papers among some 120 papers for presentation in the WRITECH™99, which is the inter-collegiate paper contest organized by Computer Society of India.
  • Hashing revisited: This sophomore level paper deal with advanced Hashing methods. It objectively compares a few of them and annotates the results. This paper was presented to the VESIT branch of IEEE. [Abstract]


  • Design of Online Stock Exchanges: This junior level paper deals with the issues related to design of online stock exchange. As a application of the research analyses the Bombay Stock Exchange, BSE and recommends some up gradations. [Abstract] [Paper]


  • Zee Interpreter: It is an interpreter for a hypothetical language Zee. It was developed using the Lex and Yacc tools in the linux environment.
  • Library Management System: This is a small library handling system developed in C++ using advanced features like standard template library. Silicon graphics STL under GCC environment was used.
  • Inventory Control System: Along with a colleague I developed this software in the first year of engineering in Pascal. [source]


  • Clap controlled regulator for fans
  • Multipurpose alarm circuit
  • CMOS timer circuit for atomizing the control of water heater timings.











Abstract: Intuitively, hashing is a pnuemonic used for quick data retrieval. It consists of a hash function and collision resolution function. This paper descrides various hash functions, their properties and suitability. An analytical study of chaining and open addressing is done on both quantitative and qualitative basis. The performance of algorithms is determined in terms of load factor. Chaining methods with its variants LICH, VICH, EICH out perform open addressing in general applications. Other alternative methods such as predicators are also dealt with. Predicators perform mediocarly. Finally a latest application of hashing to route protocols is described to highlight the importance of this paradigm.[top]











Design of Online Stock Exchanges

Abstract: The stock trading scene has been changing around the world for quite some time. The Indian Stock Exchanges also have come abreast in terms of technology usage and now we can say that they are at par with the best Online Stock Exchanges in the world. In this paper we describe a model of an Online Stock Exchange based on the practical implementation of the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange. We describe the system as a whole, explore alternative technologies and analyze their relevance to network design from a practical point of view. We have made a sincere attempt to answer some questions which may arise while designing such system.  The selection criteria for design of a client-server based system are described and subsequently the choice of appropriate component systems is made. Client side is a Windows NT LAN while the server consist of fault tolerant mainframes and RISC based UNIX systems. The network standard selected is X.25 as it is widespread, relatively cheap and guarantees data delivery with minimum overload. The communication links consist of lease lines, Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN) and Very Small Aperture Terminals based satellite communication. Such a wide range of links ensures connectivity from remote places. The trading software is based on the Versatile Engine for Online Trading and Reporting (VECTOR) developed by CMC ltd. It consists of four modules viz. Market mode, Trading session, Surveillance operations and Market operations. For effective disaster management elaborate back-up setting is recommended. Moreover, the paper also suggests future upgradations in the system like enhanced security measures, implementation of active network technology and shift of network paradigm from X.25 to ATM.[top]